10 Tech-Inspired Baby Names Better Than 'Like'

If there's one way to make people dislike you, it's by naming your baby "Like."

Have you heard about this absurdity? An Israeli couple actually after the bearing the same word. The couple reportedly said they thought the name sounded "short and sweet" as well as "modern and innovative."

Like, seriously?

Sadly, this isn't the first contemptible attempt at tech-inspired baby naming. Earlier this year, a family in Egypt The child's full name is Facebook Ibrahim, which I believe translates roughly to "Hey Kids, Please Taunt Me."

All joking aside, this terrible trend of Net lingo baby naming has to be stopped. In order to help prevent a future generation filled with names like "Tweet Smith" and "Friend Request Jones," I've come up with 10 reasonable tech-inspired monikers for geeky couples to consider.

Feel free to add your own suggestions in below. Together, we can save scores of lives from being ruined.

It's a programming language and just one letter off from a classic girl's name -- geeky and reasonable!

For the who's too unconventional to go with "Steve."

Another feminine programming win (and way better than "").

For and/or .

A girl named after a named after a woman? That's synergy, baby.

Oddly normal, yet subtly geeky; if someone figures out , you'll know they're worthy of admission to your weekly .

It's almost a normal name, and think about it: This kid's résumé is in Silicon Valley.

Web page, Larry Page, take your pick; it's a perfect choice for any Google-loving family.

Crisp, classy, and .

Oh, come on: Is it really any worse than JR?

JR Raphael is a PCWorld contributing editor and the creator of the . You can catch him on , on , or at his geek-humor getaway: .