5 Questions to Ask Your Data Center

While tech companies are trying to in data center design and energy efficiency, small businesses still can find choosing a data center a tough proposition. Entrusting your company's data and valuable information to someone else needs additional research and a certain confidence level with customer service.

A business may need a data center to continue its growth, but there are a few things to know before signing a contract. Whether it's about security, emergency plans, or cost, here are few questions to ask.

1. How Secure Is Your Physical Site?

The answer to this open-ended question could be as long as a white paper or a . Physical security is essential for data centers and is the first line of defense. Each data center should be a standalone building with at least a 20-foot, fenced perimeter and a secure, cool core of servers. It should be located a distance from your office and monitored by cameras and guards who require photograph IDs at two security checkpoints.

All employees should be cross-trained so they can handle a disaster situation immediately if one occurs. The data center should have an emergency plan in place that requires back-up generators, offsite backups of essential information, and servers at another data center than can be switched over. To prevent downtime in case of an outage, make sure the data center receives electricity from at least two separate utility substations.

2. What's Your Virtual Machine to Physical Host Ratio?

One of the ways to is a higher virtual machine to physical host ratio. There needs to be a four-to-one ratio to break even on server costs, but most servers can easily handle more than a dozen. Using efficient virtualization will cut down on expenses on servers, electricity, and space--saving your business money.

3. What Are You Doing For Energy Efficiency?

What you want to hear is that the data center manager is always looking for ways to increase productivity and lower energy costs. You also want to know the data center will be open to new ideas from you or industry analysts. Both eBay and Facebook saved money at their data centers by working with local utilities and implementing their own ideas to make their . Granted, both eBay and Facebook probably have more clout than a small business, but your data center should be listening to all of its customers.

Also, data centers should have the latest, energy-efficient versions of your servers, which can cut energy costs by as much as 40 percent.

4. How Does Your Cooling System Work?

Data centers should host servers in room with a core temperature of between Fahrenheit. Cooling is usually about of operating a data center. But facilities often kept temperatures too low, thinking it was better to be safe than sorry. Contemporary data centers should have IT integrated with the building's cooling system and use remote control temperature monitoring and sensors to keep temperatures safe and costs down.

5. What Is Your Disaster Recovery Plan?

Although you probably never want to have it happen, your data center should have a disaster recovery plan in place to make you and your business feel safe. In 2007, 365 Main's San Francisco data center that affected 40 percent of its customers, a veritable who's who of Bay Area technology.

According to the company, 365 Main's 10 back-up diesel generators should have immediately started--the company needed eight to power the center--but three didn't start because of what was later deemed to be a faulty electronic controller. The data center was down for approximately 45 minutes, and taught companies to find out how a data center plans to notify customers in an immediate emergency, keeping them apprised of latest developments and the status of their company data or services.

If you ask most of these questions, there will be few surprises in an emergency or a security breach. Like any business offering services, it's up to the customer to do research and find a reputable company, but entrusting another business with your data and information needs an additional layer of investigation. Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions--and if the data center representatives sound offended or defensive, you probably need to shop around.

Reach or follow Barbara E. Hernandez on Twitter: .