6 tips on how to win awards from Dare's Flo Heiss

Flo Heiss, executive creative director at and a judge at this year's - the European version of the Webbys - has revealed six ways to ensure your work gets the attention of judges like him.

Here are my six outrageous tips on how to surface in the Bermuda Triangle of awards entries.

Don't sell me the idea - I want to make up my own mind about it.

Don't assume I know your brand. Give a little bit of context, but keep it light. And try to describe your idea without using the word 'experience'.

So many awards entries claim they are the first in this and the first in that. I don't care. Tell me why it's a great idea and show me a beautiful execution.

I want to feel goose bumpy jealousy. Award shows are not the 'Guinness Book of Firsts'. Give me some magic.

An ineffective idea is not a good idea, but please don't tell me how many impressions or Facebook likes it got without any media spend.

And please don't show me an array of blog screenshots as PR proof.

Show me the actual piece if you can. Crazy I know, but I have seen too many awards films for posters and banner ads.

If you must make a film - because your idea is not live anymore or a stunt or an interactive cactus - then please have mercy and keep your film under two minutes.

I am not a business robot. I am a human person. Please don't talk about problems or solutions and integrated 360-ness.

[No explanation necessary, Ed]

Entries for this year's Lovie Awards close on the July 20, so if you haven't already entered you'd better get your skates on.