Active Media Ships USB Friendly 2.5-Inch SSDs

Active Media Products announced Tuesday its new line of 2.5-inch solid-state drives.

These new low-power drives are all designed around JMicron's JM612 controller, which makes use of an ARM9 core and include caches of up to 128MB, allowing the new SSD drives to easily clone data, and do it fast. Sequential read speeds of up to 230MBps can be expected, with write speeds coming in at 180MBps.

Active Media's Jerry Thomson said the following regarding the new solid-stare drives: "One big advantage of this controller is its support for a USB 2.0 port, which can be used for cloning the contents of your old hard drive onto the Predator X7." He also added that the addition of the mini USB port makes "installation and setup a lot faster and easier".

The USB 2.0 Predator-X7 SSDs are available now in a wide variety of capacities. A 32GB drive will set you back $149, with 64GB, 128GB and 256GB drives are priced at $219, $349 and $699, respectively.

Active Media later this year.

[Via ]

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