ADSL2+ Annex M on trial

An Australian broadband supplier, Internode, is trialing its ADSL2+ Annex M technology with its customers to ratify the technology.

The trial will continue for 12 months or until ratification and will give testers increased upstream speeds of 2Mbps over ADLS2+ Annex A's 1Mbps, used for ADSL in Australia.

Supplier Internode said participants must be connected to an active Agile DSLAM port capable of ADSL2+, use a SOHO or business extreme plan, have an Annex-M capable ADSL2+ modem, provide feedback via an Annex M mailing list, and be prepared to operate in Annex M mode for some months provided it has no serious problems.

Internode managing director, Simon Hackett said applicants will be hand picked to broaden network testing.

"We will hand pick participants from customers who apply in order to obtain a good spread of exchange locations and line lengths for testing," Hackett said.

The Annex-M network will operate in lieu with existing Annex-A infrastructure and will operate a limited number of services on exchanges with ADSL2+ multiplexers (DSLAMs).

Hackett said the network will be most useful to business using broadband for VPNs and remote access.

Interested applicants should e-mail their Internode username and brief reasons for participation to: Internode expects positions to be filled by the end of the week.