Ample SDK gets set for cross-browser apps development

Ample SDK, a GUI toolkit for building cross-browser, client-side applications through a "natural and efficient" development experience, is set to make its debut as a 1.0 release on November 1, the founder of the project said on Thursday.

Written in , Ample SDK is intended to also offer a better performance over other solutions, said project founder Sergey Ilinsky, owner of Helsinki, Finland-based Clientside OY. It leverages standard APIs and technologies like XUL, XHTML, SVG1.2Tiny and, in the future, HTML 5. Developers can use skills in JavaScript, DOM, CSS, XHTML, and other technologies.

"The [Ample SDK] framework emerged out of an academic exercise - an attempt to make Internet Explorer behave like a standard browser and another attempt to extend on browsers technologies stacks," Ilinksy said.

The Ample SDK software runs transparently in the layer between a Web browser and an application. It provides the logic of an application with standard cross-browser access to the user interface.

"Ample SDK runs in every modern Web browser," the states. "When running, it fills in functionality missing from the browser, giving Web developers a standards-based API that allows them to stop worrying about browser quirks and start efficiently writing cross-browser application code."

No components are required on the browser. "It doesn't modify the browser infrastructure, but rather fills in the missing functionality," according to the Ample SDK Web site.

Ample SDK is now in a technical preview phase of development.