Apple launches iTunes Australia store, leaves NZ behind

25.10.2005 von Paul Brislen

Apple has launched the Australian version of its iTunes Music Store but there"s no sign of a New Zealand version yet.

Apple will sell songs in Australia for A$1.69 each with albums costing from A$16.99. Short movies from Pixar, which is owned by Apple founder Steve Jobs, are also available, however there is no sign of the TV shows recently launched in the US.

However, enterprising Kiwis are already happily breaking the service and buying songs from the Aussie site. Keen music downloaders are simply doing what Australians have done for years -- claiming New Zealand is a part of Australia.

Users are required to set up an account before using the site, however simply entering "New Zealand" as a city in any Australian state allows the user to purchase songs. Computerworld bought a copy of The Mutton Bird"s "Straight to your head" purely for research purposes. However, reports this morning, Wednesday, suggest New Zealand credit card numbers are now being rejected by the site.

Apple New Zealand general manager Steve Ford says there is no word yet on timing or even if Apple will launch a New Zealand version of the music store.