Attending E3 in 30,000 Easy Steps

If you own a Nintendo 3DS and have the opportunity to go to E3 or some other large gathering gamers, your eyes no doubt light up at the prospect of getting some new Mii friends through the built-in StreetPass feature. I'm the same way, but there was also something else with the 3DS that made me jazzed.

I have a sick fascination with the 3DS Activity Log. The way it tracks and records the play time of all the games you've played, as well as counts steps you take via the system's pedometer just interests the heck out of me. And seeing as E3 is the epicenter for foot traffic (especially without a Lakers riot this year), it seems like a great opportunity to get the most out of the passive features of the 3DS.

Well then, what did my week at E3 look like in terms of steps? Here's the data:

Oh, that makes my legs hurt just looking at it. Over 30,000 steps total! 12,000 on Wednesday! I imagine it's pretty truthful, too; Wednesday was my busiest day as I went from appointment to appointment, and after E3 did some walking around when it was time to go get dinner. I often think the 3DS is over-inflating those step counts -- I really don't think I'm taking 900 steps to walk to work from the train station, for example -- but this time, it did feel like 12,000, for sure.

And of course, the Activity Log lets you drill down to see stats by the hour. Let's see just what was going on that day...

Why the big spike at 9:00 AM? E3 opens at 10:00, after all. Well, that anomaly is because I decided to walk to the convention center, which was just about two miles from our hotel. So, funnily enough, my most active walking during E3 wasn't even E3. On those days that weren't as active, I was mostly in the GamePro war room, watching and commenting on press conferences or writing pieces on games. It's funny to see that Tuesday and Thursday were practically equal in my amount of activity, too. I thought Thursday would come in second, since I took more time to walk around looking for booth ba--er, interesting games to get ahold of.

I'd bet most 3DS users don't even pay attention to the Activity Log or even know it's there, but if you keep the system on your person, you can get some basic insight into just how active your daily life is. Give it a try at your local gatherings of nerds.

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