domain not in Chinese hands

The domain name has been secured by a Netherlands-based Internet services company instead of China's largest search engine, both called Baidu.

Telnic, the UK-based registry operator for the new .tel top level domain, yesterday confirmed that Baidu Europe, the Netherlands-based automation and Web design solutions organisation has secured the rights to the domain name in the trademark protected Sunrise period.

The Sunrise period for .tel domain registry will close in less than two weeks, on 2 February. Thereafter, Landrush begins when any individual or company can purchase any available .tel domain.

Utilises IP infrastructure

Paulien Wiertsema, marketing director at Baidu Europe, said: "Our domain will be the contact point for all our current contact information, including telephone, fax, address, voice over Internet protocol/Skype, SMS, e-mail and instant messaging information.

"Baidu Europe wants to take advantage of the IP infrastructure and emerging VoIP to link various pieces of contact data to an easy-to-remember name like We also believe that the domain name will generate advertising and sales revenue for us."

Justin Hayward, communications director at Telnic, said: "Companies need to understand that the .tel [domain] will have a global impact and can be accessed by any device connected to the Internet in any country, so trademark owners really need to make sure they're going to be well-placed with their brands in this mobile-optimised contacts directory."

All Sunrise applications are assessed on a first-come-first-served basis where there are multiple applications for the same trademark. Validation is conducted by an independent validation agent, Deloitte.