Cisco dials into call analysis

Cisco Systems Inc. is moving to tap into an emerging market for speech analysis software that call center supervisors can use to track conversations with disgruntled customers.

Last month, as part of a wider announcement of unified communications tools, Cisco unveiled Unified Customer Interaction Analyzer, a managed service that is built around eLoyalty Corp.'s Behavioral Analytics (BA) software.

The software developed by Lake Forest, Ill.-based eLoyalty can graphically scan calls to detect problems. For example, it can tell if a customer became angry with a call center agent before being transferred to a supervisor or was put on hold for an unacceptable length of time, Cisco executives said at VoiceCon Spring 2006 in Orlando.

Trouble spots in a call are shown on a PC screen as red dots plotted on a horizontal line. Users can click on a dot to get a brief description of what happened or even listen to that portion of the call.

Uniprise, a Hartford, Conn.-based division of UnitedHealth Group Inc. that manages health care benefits for large companies, is an eLoyalty customer that has been using BA since December.

About 300 call center agents have the software now, and it will be rolled out to all 3,000 of the unit's U.S.-based agents this year, said John Reinke, senior vice president of the Uniprise Innovation Lab in Minnetonka, Minn.

Uniprise has spent "multiple millions of dollars" on the project but expects a payback within 10 months, Reinke said. Its broader goals are to use the software to improve employee retention and keep health care insurance customers happier, he added. "We're seeing if we move the needle on customer distress, and we're assuming that in turn will improve the customer experience."

But success requires more than just the use of software like BA, Reinke cautioned. "You can deploy it, [but] if you don't adopt different behaviors in the call center, you won't get any advantage," he said.

Chris Beck, an enterprise voice architect at Career Education Corp. in Hoffman Estates, Ill., saw a demonstration of Cisco's Interaction Analyzer at VoiceCon and said he considered it to be the "most intellectually exciting" product at the show. However, he added that his company has only 25 call center agents and probably wouldn't consider Cisco's offering at this point.

Future versions of BA-type tools may be able to automatically advise agents on how to handle individual callers, said Gartner Inc. analyst Matthew Goldman. Rivals to eLoyalty include CallMiner Inc., Nice Systems Ltd., Utopy Inc. and Verint Systems Inc., Goldman and other analysts said.