Cloud computing is top technology priority for CIOs in Asia

Chief information officers (CIOs) in Asia are continuing to search for innovative cloud technologies to support business growth, according to the Asian results of the 2011 Gartner Executive Programs (EXP) CIO Agenda survey.

The CIOs are driven to search for new technologies in order to support the acquisition of new customers and expand into new markets.

These professionals are now standardising on cloud computing, IT management and mobile technologies.

According to the report, CIOs in Asia said they intend to increase their average IT budget spending this year.

Fifty-three percent of CIOs in Asia said they expect an increased budget to work with in 2011, compared to 39 percent globally.

About 33 per cent of CIOs in Asia found that there was a "very strong connection" between their IT strategies and the strategic priorities of their organisations.

"2010 saw many economies around the world move from recession to recovery, with enterprises transitioning their strategies from cost-cutting to productivity," said Terick Chiu, executive partner, Gartner Executive Programs. "In Asia, the priorities are slightly different as we have not been climbing out of recession, but increasing growth. However, this year, we are more closely aligned with our global counterparts as recovery continues."

Gartner emphasises that CIOs in Asia should support their enterprise need to expand into new markets and geographies.

The research firm also says technology companies that want to make it big in China will grow based on the reach of their channel, instead of expanding with existing customers.