Cookin' Up Finance at Famous Dave's

Diana Purcel joined Minnetonka, Minn.-based barbeque chain as CFO in 2003 after five years at party-goods company Paper Warehouse, the last year as finance chief. Since she joined Famous Dave's, it has doubled from 92 restaurants to 184 in 37 states -- 53 of them company-owned and the rest franchises. It has also evolved to implement formal management practices in finance and other areas.

Purcel spoke with CFOworld about establishing the company's finance organization, influencing outside the finance department, and the importance of saying "no."

, our founder Dave Anderson was still on the board. He had been appointed by the Bush administration to serve as Undersecretary of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, so he had to step down from any company board. This gave us the opportunity to bridge a gap from what had been an entrepreneurially-run company to one that was run by professional managers. We've since brought [Anderson] back into the company as chairman emeritus, but that period was really crucial for us. There were some things that we really needed to affirm our commitment to. One was being a public company. We had over 13 million shares accountable; we couldn't be run like a private company anymore. We also had to commit ourselves to franchising.

I certainly don't take full credit for the transformation. We have a phenomenal board of directors. I give them a lot of credit for their stewardship of the company during that time. I wouldn't say that there are big names on , but our board members are all great business people, and all have expertise in different areas. We have a process in place for filling board vacancies where, instead of pulling a name out from the industry haphazardly, we systematically ask, where is the company today? What don't we have represented on the board that we might need?

I've had to build the accounting and finance infrastructure over the last eight years. When I came in, people wore many hats. One of the first things I had to do was to get the company to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley within the year. The company had not done a single thing toward this end. I had less than a year to put the processes in place, implement the reporting structure, and build an internal audit department. But I also built the financial discipline. We didn't have any models to look at, for example, return on investment on a piece of real estate. So we had to build those. We didn't have a long-term strategic plan; I helped build the first one and it's continued to evolve. We didn't have a cash forecasting process. We started, soon after I joined, buying back some of our shares. We wanted to give back to our shareholders, so I put in place a share buyback plan.

When I joined, Famous Dave's really didn't have much credibility in the marketplace in terms of what I would say is a corporate perspective. To be honest, it was a bit of a mess. We had an accumulated deficit on our balance sheet of $9.9 million; today we have retained earnings of $26.1 million. So, it's been a hard-fought battle over the last eight years to bring credibility and respect to the organization.

One thing I love about working at a small company is that our CEO gives me latitude to help provide value to the organization in areas outside finance. Some of the fun things that I love doing are out of my wheel house. We had an incentive club for our restaurant operators called the President's Club. Predominantly based on sales performance, the reward was a trip to a phenomenal resort destination for two, and it was a large cost to the company. I took it upon myself to really change the plan. First, I changed the name to "The Ring of Fire." We also made the club available to franchisees. I'm a really big believer in a one-system mentality; if you're going to be a franchisor, you want to make sure that your franchisees are operating at the exact same standards as your restaurants. So I wanted the same rewards plan for them. It was also important to me that it wasn't just sales-based. Now we have about ten different metrics. So, sales is a component, but so is profitability. It's one thing to drive sales, but we need to have profitable sales. We also look at protection of the brand, food safety, and other metrics. We really look holistically at the operation of a restaurant and reward the general manager for doing the right thing.

I have a pretty broad scope of oversight. I have finance, accounting, internal audit, legal, investor relations, purchasing, and IT reporting to me. I really believe there's very little aspect of the company that doesn't touch finance, because at the end of the day we have to deliver results, and we have to be able to measure those results. And so at the core, we have to provide accurate and timely accounting results, while in finance we have to interpret those results so we can provide insights, suggestions, and solutions to move the business forward.

I really, truly believe that finance is a valued member at the table, and a lot of it is in understanding who we serve. Part of it was really sitting down and asking, "What do we want this organization to be?"--listening to the board to the other executives about what they want. We put in place a monthly operations meeting, which finance leads, which includes leaders from the operations team and the rest of the executive team so that we can understand, what are the pressures today, what can we do about them, and what does the future look like? We're proactive. We're building in enough time and processes and infrastructure in place so that we can say, "OK, this is a good investment decision"--or not. I will tell you some of my proudest moments have been when finance has said no: "No, this is not a good decision. This is not good for the shareholders." I promised myself that I would leave this company in better shape than I found it when I started. Sometimes leaving it in better shape means making an unpopular decision.

Today's CFO has to be really, really broad in terms of knowledge because you have to be able to have the trust of the organization. I have to have understanding of operations, marketing, real estate, strong communication skills, leadership skills. You can't work in a silo. If I'm sitting down with marketing, and they don't trust that I know enough about marketing to have a conversation with them, they're not going to trust my advice.

For me, understanding and admitting what you can and can't control is always a challenge. I get asked a lot about what keeps me up at night. What I can control doesn't keep me up at night. But the government regulations on mandatory disclosure of calories, healthcare reforms that impact the business and the shareholder and ultimately the consumer--those are the things I struggle with. I worry about the things I can't control, and sometimes I just have to admit I can't do anything about it. I just have to try to make the best decisions and react appropriately.

It focuses on approachability, integrity, certainly transparency, inclusion, and ultimately delivering results. I know that my team, without a doubt, would tell you I have very high expectations of them. But I also have high expectations of myself, and I truly do not expect anything from my team that I'm not willing to give. It's important for leaders to walk the talk. I think it makes a difference that my team knows that at a moment's notice I'm willing to drop what I'm doing to help them. I'll go to the wall for them, but I expect the same in return.

I've had a variety of mentors. But the reality is, it's really important to have a willingness to learn. I learn something every day, whether from someone in my department or someone on the executive team. I have a lot of people who provide me mentorship who don't even know it.

Someone once told me it takes years to build a reputation and seconds to lose it. I've had that guide me throughout my career.