DEMO, Day 2: We read Twitter so you don’t have to

We couldn't make DEMO this year, and don't have the bandwidth to watch the video stream, but we do like watching the coming across our dedicated Tweetdeck column. There was lots of talk about the demonstrations (' invisible speaker systems really the crowd), but it was also interesting to see the trends and marketplace observations noted by attendees. In no particular order, here are the tweets that caught our eye:

Amazing how most #DEMO09 companies say they have no direct competitors. Definitely not consistent w/reality...

: So many #demo09 companies link to Twitter. Now if only Twitter can figure out how to make money....

: Contact companies - challenge is changing consumers behavior, SIMPLER is BETTER, too hard for 1st time user

: Seeing the #demo09 companies little twitter blurbs and thinking "I can already do that with X,Y or Z." Tell me why you're different...

: RT I smell a trend coming out of #tc50 and #demo09: crowdsourced apps. Smells sweet been waiting for 8+ years!

: Demo doesn't force startups to disclose their biz plans maintaining the competitive edge till their ready to launch it.

: At #DEMO09 conference in San Diego. Couldn't possibly be more different vibe than #TC50 but good presentations already. I'm sold on Waze.

As for the best tweet of the day, it's a tie between's John Sjölander and of the San Jose Business Journal:

: Tweeting from the restrooms: The automatic soap dispenser is the most high tech equipment at #DEMO09. Epic WIN!

: "If you don't understand U2 because they're from Ireland, you can translate them into English." TuneWiki

See also:

Sources and research:,, San Jose Business Journal,

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