Digg founder: Don't buy an iPad now -- iPad 2 on the way

founder that Apple will announce the iPad 2 in the next 3 or 4 weeks -- maybe even Feb. 1.

Social news aggregation pioneer Rose, who has his information "on good authority," says the second edition of Apple’s tablet will boast back and front cameras, plus an even better display (initially he wrote of a retina display, but amended his post to add that another source said the display will have a higher dpi but won’t technically be a retina display."

Rose warned: "If you're thinking of buying an iPad, hold off for now." (His blog post is actually based on his .)


While many have expected the iPad 2 to feature two cameras in order to exploit , Apple watcher

says it will be challenging for Apple to boost the iPad’s already stellar resolution without increasing the 9.7-inch screen size.

Network World blogger Yoni Heisler has also been tracking iPad 2 feature rumors, noting the latest speculation about everything from a .  Some say the . 

Buzz around an impending iPad 2 launch was fueled this past week at the CES 2011 conference in Las Vegas by the appearance of what was , presumably for a camera to peek through. 


Rose’s estimate for the iPad 2’s launch on Feb. 1, if accurate, would come the week following the , which Apple is not attending. The first version of the Apple tablet debuted in April, and the company . 

Industry watchers see no end to Apple’s tablet domination anytime soon, even in the enterprise.   Apple has infiltrated the enterprise by way of enthusiastic consumers taking their devices to work and spreading the word.  Some estimates have . 

The iPad rumors should really pick up, if as expected, Verizon next week reveals its iPhone plans, since so much Apple gossiping energy has been spent on that in recent months. to a mysterious event in New York City on Feb. 3. 

Of course, speculation about the next iPhone itself, maybe the iPhone 5, will also keep Apple in the headlines. Industry watchers have been figuring on a spring or summer unveiling for the latest and greatest . 

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