Fujitsu establishes Singapore solution center

25.05.2005 von Connie Chng

Regional IT and communications solutions provider Fujitsu Asia has expanded its global platform business by opening the Platform Solution Center, Singapore (PSCS) to promote industry collaboration while developing solutions for its customers in Southeast Asia and India. The new S$3.5 million (US$2.1 million) Platform Solution Center is the second that Fujitsu has established, and the first outside Japan.

The PSCS stands as a gateway of a virtual private network (VPN) connection from the Fujitsu Platform Solution Center in Japan to Fujitsu?s business operations throughout Southeast Asia (including Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) and India.

Said Norikazu Karasuda, group chief executive officer of Fujitsu Asia, ?The PSCS is a nerve center that, by virtue of its location, is capable of tapping into Fujitsu?s global resources to serve our customers while simultaneously providing substantial value and strategic advantages to our technology and business partners.?

?It reinforces Fujitsu Asia?s status as our regional headquarters as it forms an integral part of the company?s alliance business strategy, which revolves around helping customers to construct optimal systems to meet their business requirements.?

The VPN connectivity places an extensive range of customizable solutions within the reach of Fujitsu and its partners in Singapore, and allows vendors to evaluate the viability of available technologies, some of which are not locally available outside the PSCS.

The facility serves as a verification and evaluation center where Fujitsu and its partners and customers can regularly congregate to do performance testing or perform ?proof of concept? during which solutions can be assessed for their suitability to their needs.

Pre-purchase evaluation, operational verification of independent software vendor (ISV) or independent hardware vendor (IHV) products and other tasks can also be performed on-site.

The PSCS provides users with resources to perform cost effective systems integration, virtualisation and automation throughout the solution development cycle, which is in line with Fujitsu?s continuing Triole strategy to optimize customers? IT infrastructures. These include the PrimeQuest server line based on the Intel Itanium 2 processor, which was unveiled last week, the PrimePower servers based on the Sparc64 V processor running the Solaris operating system, the Primergy industry standard servers as well as the Eternus storage systems.

The center also hosts a wide range of partner software and hardware, as well as middleware solutions such as Interstage, Systemwalker and SAP-based solution FlexFrame. Located at Fujitsu?s premises at TeleTech Park, the PSCS facilitates platform and skill consultations that allow solutions to be proposed, prototyped and validated. It will also support partner collaborations such as joint seminars, marketing initiatives, business discussions and training sessions.