Future PCs and the TARDIS in This Week in GeekTech

Welcome to This Week in GeekTech, your roundup of the best stories of the last week (or so) from PCWorld's GeekTech blog! We're a little late this go-around, but we'll be moving to Friday afternoons starting this coming week. Let's get started.

We're currently running a series of stories where we look at where the PC is now, and where it's headed. Look for another couple installments in coming days, but in the meantime, get caught up with what we've got so far...

It's a TARDIS! Heck yes! And it could be coming to a college campus near you.

In the future, everyone will own a robot that will carry out their bidding, and order their coffee and scones.

Wait, what?

That last part is actually true: Someone sent out an to order a scone from a cafe in Mountain View, CA.

While we're on the topic of slightly creepy robotics developments, there's this story about an online service under development that would allow robots to share information with each other. No word on whether it'll be used to organize a robo-revolution.

We had the privilege of having an e-mail interview with Jason Brush, the Executive Vice President of User Experience at , the company that Google worked with to develop Google Art Project. Here's what he had to say.

See you next week!

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