Google increases U.S. search dominance in October

Google continued to increase its U.S. search share dominance in October, widening its lead over Yahoo and Microsoft.

In October, Google's share of Web searches by people in the U.S. rose to 71.7 percent, up from 71.2 percent in September and 64.5 percent in October of 2007, according to market research company Hitwise.

At the same time, Yahoo's share slipped to 17.7 percent, from 18.1 percent a month earlier and 21.7 percent a year ago. Microsoft's share rose slightly in October to 5.4 percent from 5.36 percent in September, but the down from 7.4 percent in October of last year. Internet searches at fell to 3.5 percent from 3.6 percent a month ago, and from 4.8 percent last year.

Hitwise bases its data on a sample of 10 million U.S. Internet users over four week rolling periods. The Microsoft figures include and MSN Search but does not include

The remaining 43 search engines Hitwise tracks accounted for 1.6 percent of U.S. searches in October.