Hong Kong to build a new social security system

said recently it has won a HK$362 million contract to build the Computerised Social Security System II (CSSS II) for .

PCCW Solutions was picked after an open tender process to build the CSSS II that will replace a system in use since 2000, the company noted.

The vendor added that it will be responsible for the supply, delivery and installation of hardware and software, implementation, operations, and the provision of full scale maintenance services for CSSS II for 10 years.

"When designing the solution, our goal was to support the system objectives of the Social Welfare Department to improve business agility, enhance service collaboration and operational efficiency, enable effective monitoring of service quality, and provide better customer-centric social security services through multiple channels," said George Fok, managing director of PCCW Solutions.

The new system--in line with --will provide online self-services to enhance customer communication and deliver and timely service to customers, said PCCW Solutions.