Linx fortifies internet infrastructure for Olympics

The London Internet Exchange (Linx) is bolstering its network ahead of this summer's Olympics, to help cope with an expected explosion in traffic.

Linx is one of the world's largest internet exchange points (IXP) with more than 400 members across 50 countries. Its membership is made up of the leading ISPs and content providers. The network currently covers more than 80 percent of the Global Routing Table.

Linx is now deploying BlackDiamond X8 switches from Extreme Networks in preparation for the Olympics to "fortify its exchange point in order to handle the onslaught of internet traffic".

The organisation runs dual local area networks (LANs) from different vendors to give full resiliency. After upgrading one network towards the end of 2011, Linx wanted a similar solution on its other LAN.

The BlackDiamond X8 switches can deliver 20 terabits of capacity with a port density of 768 10 Gigabit Ethernet ports.

Derek Cobb, Linx CTO, said: "We are upgrading with the BlackDiamond X8 because the product is a new performance leader in data centre switching. When we decided to upgrade our exchange we wanted a best-of-breed product with the ability to reliably scale."

Last year Linx was among a number of organisations and digital rights campaigners at the request of law enforcement agencies without a court order.