Microsoft, CNN to make historians out of inaugural attendees

Microsoft is teaming up with to make average people virtual historians. has put out a call for the millions of people attending President-Elect at noon on Tuesday. Anyone there can send in their digital pictures of the moment Obama takes the oath of office and, using Microsoft's , CNN will stitch the photos together into what it's hoping will be "the most detailed experience of a single moment ever," according to a .

"We're partnering with CNN to gather thousands of your photographs to create an immersive experience of the moment when takes the Oath of Office. From the vast sweep of the crowd to a close-up on the President's hand on the Bible, every part of this historic scene will be frozen in time and presented in 3-D as only Photosynth can," . "We'll take your photos from every angle, combine them with CNN's professional shots, and produce what we hope will be an amazing experience that will be shown live on CNN."

, developed in a collaboration between Microsoft and the , is designed to enable users to take regular digital photos and transform them into a three-dimensional, 360-degree visual. Users can spin the resulting visual around so they can look at it from different angles or even zoom in and out.

CNN and Microsoft are giving people who will be at the inauguration specific instructions.

Anyone with a camera phone is being asked to take a single picture of the moment Obama raises his hand to take the and email it to as soon as possible. "Don't worry if he's too small to see clearly in your photo. As long as you get the Capitol building in your shot it will synth in and help reconstruct the environment," Microsoft said.

For people with digital cameras, they're being asked to take three photos - a wide-angle, mid-range and zoom - of the swearing in. Those photos should be emailed to the same address as quickly as possible. Microsoft also is asking that the messages be kept under 10MB in size -- even if it means sending the photos in separate e-mails.

CNN isn't the only news operation looking to technology to chronicle the historic moment. The New York Times also is from the inauguration. The Times is asking for inauguration-related photos that range from shots of the pre-ceremony setup to the actual inauguration to the Tuesday night parties. Photos of inauguration parties outside of D.C. also can be submitted.

The Times , which will publish the photos in an , is asking that the photos be sent to and include the photographer's full name, as well as where the picture was taken. The e-mails should be kept under 5MB and be in a JPEG format.