New Zealand MPs to get online access to documents

18.03.2005 von David Watson

Australian document management vendor Objective has been selected to pilot an online system for parliamentary select committees.

The Office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives tendered last year for a system which will give MPs access to select committee documents in electronic form, both from their parliamentary offices and remotely.

Parliament has 20 select committees, which scrutinise upcoming legislation and conduct parliamentary inquiries.

The material the committees handle includes submissions from the public and interested parties on bills before the house and it comes in paper, fax, email and video form.

The tender called for a system that will collate and manage such documents and documents that are cleared for public release will be put on the internet.

Objective will pilot the system for a year, with two select committees.

The win adds another Wellington name to Objective"s client list, alongside the Ministry of Social Development, Land Transport Safety Authority and Land Information New Zealand.