News briefs

12.08.2005 von InfoWorld staff

Microsoft Releases August Patches

Microsoft issued patches for six flaws in Windows and Internet Explorer, some of which could allow an attacker to gain control of a computer system. The patches, which include a fix for a newly discovered flaw in Microsoft"s Plug-and-Play software, comprise Microsoft"s regular patch releases for August. Microsoft rated three of the six vulnerabilities as critical. These bugs concern the Windows Plug-and-Play system and Print Spooler software, as well as IE"s image-rendering software.

EMC Taps Surveillance Application

EMC announced a package geared to manage and analyze surveillance data. The EMC Surveillance Analysis and Management Solution consists of hardware, software, and professional services. It also includes EMC storage arrays and content addressed storage systems. The package is designed to appeal to organizations that deal in large amounts of surveillance data -- such as video footage or keycard information.

IBM Upgrades WebSphere Software

IBM unveiled WebSphere Extended Deployment Version 6.0, which extends the capabilities of WebSphere Application Server and the WebSphere platform, and combines capabilities of autonomic and grid computing. The product is designed to support mixed workload and server types, as well as advanced data caching. It is also intended to improve manageability and monitoring.