Remains of the Day: Full court press

Apple's taking its intellectual property case to Samsung's front door, taking HP to the cleaners, and taking its licks from professional video editors and comedians alike. Take the remainders for Friday, June 24, 2011--please.


This time it's personal. Apple has launched a new at rival smartphone-maker Samsung, this time on the company's home turf of South Korea. And you thought kimchi packed a spicy burn.

(Matt Richman)

A 15-year-old has calculated that Apple may make as much profit selling one computer as HP does by selling . And they say that high schoolers can't do math.


Wondered why VoIP company Skype Microsoft has yet to make an iPad version of its software client? You and me both, buster. The wait looks to be over soon, though, if a supposedly leaked promo video is any indication. Unfortunately, it lacks one key feature: The ability to reverse blindness caused by .


Maybe you've heard professional video editors with . Now the staff of Conan O'Brien's talk show has fired off a salvo against Final Cut Pro X in a video. Sure, I've seen popular Apple products like the iPhone and iPad get a ribbing in the mainstream, but Final Cut? I suppose it's only a matter of time before we hear award-winning authors railing against the death of AppleWorks.