Remains of the Day: Now in 3D

It's an extravaganza of sight and sound today, with Apple snapping up a small wireless audio company, Hasbro producing a 3D add-on for the iPhone, and Microsoft painting the town, er, teal. Don your funny glasses and experience the eye-popping remainders for Tuesday, November 9, 2010.

(9 to 5 Mac)

Apparently Apple has acquired Wi-Gear, maker of fine Bluetooth headphones, seemingly in a move to start producing its own wireless earphones. Hopefully, the first thing it'll do is to try and wipe from the face of the Earth.

(Associated Press)

If wireless audio doesn't precisely do it for you, then perhaps you need a trip into . Hasbro appears to have reincarnated , a staple of my own childhood, with its forthcoming My3D. Slide your iPhone into the plastic device and, combined with specially designed software, it will supposedly provide an immersive experience. So, uh, not to be a party pooper, but how the heck do you use the touchscreen?


Microsoft copped to illegally plastering ads for Windows Phone on sidewalks around San Francisco, though it contended that they were nothing more than temporary water-soluble "chalk art." Unfortunately, that chalk art has failed to wash away after a heavy rainstorm, making this yet another invention out of Redmond that has overstayed its welcome.


Apple's is paying dividends already, in the form of this commercial for the magical device. Say, did anybody else get the model with the "dissipate your entire house into nothingness" feature, because I'm on the fence.

(Network World)

Turns out Steve Ballmer has a secret--and now --. In it, he apparently only posts notes about his trips to Russia and the Ukraine. (Because in the former Soviet Union, Twitter tweets you.) He's yet to quite figure out the service, though. His latest tweet, presumably about his dinner, read only "BORSCHT BORSCHT BORSCHT BORSCHT BORSCHT BORSCHT."