Remains of the Day: Supersize me

It's a mega-giganta-humungo edition today, as we cover everything from Apple losing yet another prototype iPhone, to a neighborly Steve Jobs, to Tim Cook's email habits. Read along with the remainders for Wednesday, August 31, 2011 and help close out August in style.


To paraphrase my man Oscar Wilde: "To lose one unreleased prototype iPhone may be regarded as misfortune; to lose two looks like carelessness." But according to CNet, that's exactly what happened. The scene of the crime? A bar, . This--presumably iPhone 5--prototype has not yet surfaced, although it reportedly may have been sold on Craigslist for $200. Huh. I wonder if that was the price a two-year contract.


Palo Alto resident Lisen Stromberg reminisces about Steve Jobs not as a technological genius, but as a neighbor. My personal favorite part, no joke: a story about Steve dressed as Frankenstein for Halloween. It's simply delightful in its un-Steveness.


One way in which Tim Cook apparently following in his predecessor's footsteps? Answering random emails from people on the Internet. The newly promoted Apple CEO has reportedly replied to at least from well-wishers. However, I do notice that Tim's email lacks any sort of signature line, so let me suggest "Sent from Steve Jobs's iPad."


French Apple site HardMac reports that Apple has built a Web-based diagnostic tool that service personnel can use to transmit basic information about an iOS device back to Cupertino. It can also supposedly determine whether you've been naughty or nice.

(Shrine of Apple)

These nutty folks are trying to catalog every Apple product ever made in high-quality photographs. All I'm saying is that there better be some shots of a .


Remember that that surfaced a few weeks ago? Apple apparently wants it back from Carl Frega, the North Carolina man who has it. Man, between this and the iPhones, I'm starting to think that Clive Owen's .


In news that won't come as a complete shock, it turns out that Apple Stores are designed to be symmetrical. This explains one of the company's weirder hiring practices, where all the personnel on one side of the store are required to be left-handed, while the other side are all right-handed.

- Apple's latest update adds RAW image compatibility for several cameras to Aperture 3 and iPhoto '11. Free.

- The latest update to Kdan Mobile Software's animation app for the iPad has been updated with the ability to transfer files between iOS devices, new foreground and middle-ground layer options, the ability to change brush opacity and size, a thumbnail scroller, and minor bug fixes. $5. The $3 also sports file transfer capabilities and minor bug fixes and adds Chinese support.

- Nisus Software has updated its word processor, Nisus Writer Pro, to version 2.0.1, adding compatibility for Mac OS X Lion and a handful of bug fixes. New license: $79; upgrade: $49, or free for owners of Nisus Writer Pro 2.0. also adds Lion compatibility, including full-screen mode, and bug fixes. New license: $45, upgrade: $30, or free for owners Nisus Writer Express 3.x.