Setting up a Mac mini media center

If you've kept an eye on this week you know that I've been on a tear in regard to the . In this week's Macworld Video I cap off that coverage with a video overview of what you can do to make your Mac mini a welcome member of the family AV center.

* Format: MPEG-4/H.264

* Resolution: 480 x 272 (iPhone & iPod compatible)

* Size: 18.2

* Length: 6 minutes and 40 seconds

This video just scratches the surface of what a Mac mini can do in the media world. For more details, read the series, which includes, Part 1: , Part 2: , Part 3: , Part 4: , and Part 5: ?

But wait, there's more. Macworld editorial director Jason Snell provides a helpful glimpse at from Netflix's Watch Instantly service. And in , Macworld senior editor Dan Frakes and I discuss upgrading the Mac mini. Later in that same podcast I speak with a gathering of international Macs about the Mac mini as media server.

In the course of the video I mention several sites and products. They include:

* Mac mini upgrade videos.

* Mac mini upgrade pages.

* 2-meter Toslink cable.

* iPhone/iPod touch remote application.

* iPhone/iPod touch remote application.

* iPhone/iPod touch remote application.

* media center application.

* media center application.

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[Senior editor Christopher Breen blogs regularly about iPods, Apple TVs, and other accoutrements of the digital lifestyle at Macworld's .]