Siemens, 3Com form strategic alliance

05.10.2005 von Linda Rosencrance

Siemens Communications Inc. and 3Com Corp. Wednesday announced a strategic alliance and master reseller agreement to integrate and sell -- via Siemens" direct sales organization and indirect sales channels -- a variety of data networking and enterprise security products.

The deal includes edge-to-core switches and routers, Siemens" portfolio of identity and access management products and 3Com"s network security platform.

Building on an existing relationship, Siemens and its partners will provide a suite of life-cycle, professionally managed services to new Siemens enterprise customers that purchase a combination of Siemens and 3Com products, the companies said. Siemens and 3Com will also collaborate to enhance their combined enterprise applications and platforms, and Siemens will take part in strategic product development initiatives at 3Com, according to the statement.

"Our focus and ability to execute on selling secure converged networking solutions to the enterprise took another step forward today by adding Siemens to our growing list of strategic relationships," 3Com President and CEO Bruce Claflin said in the statement.