This Is What a Portal Gun Looks Like in Real Life--Sort Of

Portal is one of those seriously frustrating games that, no matter how tricky the puzzles get, you can't seem to draw yourself away from it. It also makes you kind of wish you had your own Portal gun to move between rooms (doors are for squares, after all) or through obstructions. A geek's dream!

Jason Craft and a couple of friends decided that they would film what it would be like to own , and how you could actually use it in real life. Like any of us would, he "fired" the gun so he could go directly to the kitchen and get back. The gun even lights up before he fires, and creates an incredible portal hole, not disimilar to a vortex.

Unfortunately, just like the cake, the gun is a lie. Jason created the detailed gun and the portals in the video using 3D tracking and camera projection, plus a fair number of seamless camera cuts. Therefore, as you are probably already aware, the gun is just some . What he is actually holding in his hand is a coffee can, which he then marked up to make the gun.

It's a shame we can't have actual Portal-style guns yet, but when we do, I can see them being totally useful around the house. I would set up a portal next to my office chair and the fridge door handle, that's for sure. What does exist out there, though, is a Portal Turret that .

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