Top 10 hybrid gadgets to rival the toaster-fridge

Tim Cook thinks that would be like combining a toaster and a refrigerator. We wonder what the Apple CEO would think of this crazy collection of hybrid gadgets.

. You can conceal your TV inside the tank in a hidden cavity. Picture House says it comes in 16 different colours, and is suitable for any television, as well as goldfish, tropical or marine life.

is a cross between an iron and an iPod dock barmy.

If you think your cat could do with new sleeping quarters, why not try out this for size?

No, you're not seeing things. This really is an .

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Designed to save space in the kitchen, this can make two slices of bread golden brown while filling the room with music from its FM/AM radio.

prevents sneaky food thieves from pinching your snacks from the fridge. Alternatively, there's always the , tricking potential sandwich stealers into thinking that your delicious meal has gone moldy. (Although they don't quite fit into our hybrid category).

This is disguised as a golf club for keeping hydrated while on the golf course.

How about this combination of a post-it note and video camera? is designed to replace hand-written memos with video messages. It has a magnet on the back so you can still stick it on the fridge.

This t-shirt actually has an electric guitar built into it. has an included mini-amp, which can clip to your belt while you play your favourite tunes.

Sticking to the music theme, check out these .