Traction bolsters enterprise Web logs

26.10.2004 von Cathleen Moore

Traction Software Inc. this week rolled out Traction TeamPage and Communicator 3.5, an updated version of the company"s enterprise Web log software.

New in Release 3.5 is built-in support for WebDAV (Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning) document-handling capabilities. This feature adds support for creating, editing, and versioning files attached to Traction articles or shared in project and server level Web folders, according to Traction Software officials.

Also new in Release 3.5 is support for the emerging Weblog syndication format Atom. Traction 3.5 now generates Atom and RSS newsfeeds and allows readers to subscribe to topic or to search expression-based newsfeeds with password-protected encrypted access.

Aiming to give users and administrators more control over the appearance and functionality of the Weblog interface, Traction TeamPage and Communicator 3.5 improves customization options. End-users and administrators can control layout options such as the appearance of project lists, label lists, and sections. In addition, users can create subsections in the sidebar navigation, simplifying the process of finding and viewing information about a particular part of a project or workspace, according to Traction. Furthermore, by altering a personal preference, comments can be displayed in RSS and Atom news feeds as standalone notes or in context.