Video: London iPad launch, we talk to the people who queued

Wondering why people decide to queue up outside an Apple Store to buy an iPad or iPhone?

We've spoken with the dedicated Apple fans outside the Apple Store on Regent Street - watch our video below to find out what leads people to queue up all night.

We also ask which iPad they are buying, and what they are going to be doing with their old iPad now that the time has come to replace it.

It seems that UK Mum's are lucky that the New iPad has gone on sale just days before Mother's Day, because many of the people we spoke to said they are giving their old iPad to their Mum - although it has to be said most are expecting Mum to give them some cash for the device!

Read our story about the .

More new iPad articles:

Want to read more about Apple's new iPad? The latest issue of iPad & iPhone User, , has hands-on testing of the new features, pictures, availability info and in-depth Q&As to help you decide which model is right for you.