WoW Patch 3.1 confirmed for Tuesday

Monday evening when I logged into WoW to raid, I was greeted with a message stating that there would be a ten hour maintenance Tuesday starting at 1:00 AM.

Intrigued, I logged into finish the last run I expect to do, and while we fought Sapphiron, in came word of confirming that the infamous , pretty much what we've all been waiting for months for, will indeed launch Tuesday.

If you haven't already seen the trailer up on , the epic clash between Varian Wrynn and Thrall. I am still trying to find a way to download it, and as soon as I do, I'll post it here.

What is there to do while we wait? Well, you can and should do any of the following:

* Plan your talents for the free respec that comes with 3.1

* Research which glyphs will be best for your new spec. There are at least 50 new glyphs being added in the patch, which means there are plenty to choose from.

* Download any addons you use to play the game, should new versions be available that work with Patch 3.1. Adapt your gameplay if there are any that aren't updated as of yet.

* Read up on the new fights in Ulduar -- . You want to be as prepared as possible when the servers come up -- that is if they are stable enough to let your raid enter in the first place.

Read the original OMGRPG article !