20 things we don't know about the iPhone


11. Will the iPhone be called the iPhone? Jobs says "yes," but that was news to Cisco, the company that owns the trademark. Cisco said Wednesday that it is over the name. It's possible that the two companies will arrive at an agreement, but to date, the name is still up in the air

12. Will people hate the on-screen iPhone keyboard experience? I got rid of my Palm Treo mainly because the keys were hard to type with -- too small for my fingers. The iPhone keys are about the same size as the Treo's, but software, with no tactile feedback. The keyboard looked great in the demo. But what will it be like to use it every day?

13. Can you use the iPhone to make VoIP calls? Using your iPhone over a Wi-Fi connection to make, say, Skype calls, would be an obviously beneficial feature. Will Apple allow it? Will Cingular?

14. Will people accept iPhone's slow Internet connection? While other phones are embracing 3G, the iPhone's EDGE support gives users a disappointing 2.5 G experience. Jobs showed The New York Times Web page -- how long will that page take to load? For people already using 3G on their phones, going back to a slower device may be too much to ask.

15. Will third-party software vendors be able to create applications for the iPhone? If not, why not? If so, what are they?