2012 in Security: Rising Danger


Mobile malware might be the hot trend, but threats still thrive on the PC, too. As in past years, malware will flourish on PCs in 2012, so install antivirus software and keep it up-to-date. If you need to cut expenses, try a free option such as or ; either will provide adequate protection.

Recently, attackers have been exploiting vulnerabilities in Adobe, Java, and Microsoft programs, so don't ignore up­­dates for your applications. Also, confirm that Windows Update is enabled, and consider setting it to automatically download and install key bug fixes.

In the past, Mac users didn't have to worry much about malware, but the situation is changing. This year Apple saw more infections on Mac OS X, such as a fake antivirus program called MAC Defender that caused pop-ups and tried to charge the victim to get rid of them. Expect more malware on Macs as Apple gains market share and becomes a bigger target. Though the infection rate will still be extremely low compared with that of Windows, to be safe you might want to install a utility such as the free from PCTools.