8 things that (still) bug us in iOS 6


The solution to this one is simple: Dont use Shared Photo Stream for this job. Instead, do what weve been doing for years and use a dedicated photo sharing service such as Flickr or Shutterfly. (Or, if youre a social butterfly, Facebook.) Create a shared album on one of these services and share and share alike.Christopher Breen

Cant download single iTunes Match tracks

With iOS 6, the Music app has lost the ability to download individual iTunes Match tracks. You can download the entire contents of playlists, albums, and artists catalogs, but single tracks? Nope. This is particularly bothersome if youre downloading tracks over a cellular network, because it means downloading more data than you want.

The solution is simple: Avoid iTunes Match. If youre willing to spend $25 a year for cloud access to your music, Amazons Cloud Player may be the better solution. For that same $25 a year, you can not only download individual tracks (matched, uploaded, and purchased), but more of them: The services track limit is 250,000 rather than iTunes Matchs 25,000.Christopher Breen

Inserting photos or formatting text in Mail is too complex