Apple: AT&T didn't ask us to reject Google Voice


This isn't to say that AT&T hasn't been a player in previous app rejections. Apple's posting points out that a provision in Apple's contract with AT&T obligates the company to reject apps that would allow Voice-over-IP phone calls over AT&T's network. And the company, while apparently not having a contractual obligation, has chosen to "respect... AT&T's customer Terms of Service, which, for example, prohibit an AT&T customer from using AT&T's cellular service to redirect a TV signal to an iPhone."

That's a reference to , which was rejected from the App Store until Sling Media altered the product to work only over a Wi-Fi connection, and .

Apple's posting also mentions that, on occasion, AT&T expresses "concerns regarding network efficiency and potential network congestion" associated with apps, and that Apple "takes such concerns into consideration."

In addition to the issues around Google Voice and AT&T, the document features several other interesting tidbits regarding the App Store rejection process:

In a tone similar to that taken by Apple senior vice president of worldwide product marketing Phil Schiller in public exchanges with and software developer , Friday's Apple document acknowledges that Apple has made some mistakes while innovating with the App Store.