Apple invites bug researchers to scrutinize Lion OS


"They've never done this before," noted Miller in an interview today. "That they're thinking of reaching out [to researchers] is a good positive step, but whether it makes a difference, I'll believe it when I see it."

Miller has been critical of Apple's security practices in the past, saying in 2008 that Mac OS X was an at the time than either Windows or Linux.

Miller has proven his point at the last three Pwn2Own hacking contests by walking away with cash prizes and laptops for exploiting vulnerabilities in Mac OS X and Safari, Apple's browser. Miller is slated to tackle Safari and Apple's iPhone on March 9 at .

Other researchers have heard the news, if not received an invitation to the preview, and given their two cents on expectation for security improvements.

"I doubt we'll see any real security innovation in Lion," opined on Twitter. And in a aimed at Miller, Sotirov said, "I'm sure we'll see improvements in Lion, perhaps even full ASLR. But that doesn't count as 'innovation' in 2011."