Apple, Samsung Wage Battle Both In and Out of Court


On Thursday, the court took a break from its proceedings, but neither Samsung nor Judge Koh rested. Samsung filed court papers responding to Apple's request for bold sanctions. It called the request "frivolous at every level."

It also argued that releasing excluded evidence to the public was an exercise of the South Korean company's First Amendment rights. It added that it had no intent to influence the jury with its actions, although its statement to the press suggested otherwise. "Fundamental fairness, requires that the jury decide the case based on all the evidence," that statement said.

Now it was maintaining that since the court had instructed the jurors not to read media reports during the trial, the evidence leak would not have any influence on them.

As Samsung countered Apple's sanction efforts. Judge Koh rejected more evidence submitted by the South Korean company. It included visual references to tablet-like computers made in .