Beyond Firefox 3.5: Sneak Peek at Mozilla's Next Browser


The follow-up to Firefox 3.5 will aim to improve performance even more from the current configuration. Mozilla developers intend to make "dramatic" and "user-perceptible" gains in areas such as startup time, new tab opening time, and overall responsiveness.

• Customization

Mozilla hopes to build on its user-controlled interface with the next Firefox, making it easier for users to customize both on their own and automatically. One idea under discussion, for example, is a "custom-fit user experience based on a user's interaction history." The browser would actually learn how you use it, then start to adjust itself based on your preferences. Other areas of improvement could include the addition of light-weight themes and add-ons that would install on-demand, without a required restart.

• Navigation

Firefox's next release is set to gain more natural navigation options. One way this would be accomplished would be with the integration of , a reworked version of Mozilla's . Basically, the utility would provide you with a set of commands that could perform complex tasks in response to a single word. You could highlight text on a Web page and type in "twit," for example, and the text would automatically be sent out via Twitter.