Big smartphone, tablet news expected from Nokia, Motorola, Amazon & Apple in coming week


The have been known for weeks, based on Microsoft's preview earlier this summer. The mobile OS is replacing its kernel with the Windows NT kernel used in Windows for desktops, laptops and tablets. It has a more customizable start screen, and adds support for HD screens, multi-core processors, NFC and microSD card slots.  In addition, there are a range of enterprise-related changes, to improve OS and device security and management.

Samsung has already unveiled one Windows Phone 8 handset, the , with a 4.8-inch Super AMOLED display, integrated, NFC, a 1.5GHz dual-core processor and support for HSPA+ at 42 Mbps.

From Google's perspective, a week crammed with mobility news ahead of the probable launch of the iPhone 5 later in the month is likely to be viewed as a welcome chance to grab some positive headlines. While last week's court loss for Samsung may not be as big a disaster as it's painted -- and indeed, there are early indications that the -- it was undeniably a dark day for the Android ecosystem, prompting Google to roll up its sleeves and join the legal fray directly, in an attempt to reassure skittish hardware partners.

The possibility that Motorola will announce a unique new bezel-free design tomorrow, per reports from , would be particularly helpful in counteracting the perception created by the Apple vs. Samsung verdict that Android is merely aping its chief rival. If the device can generate enough buzz, it could even put a dent -- albeit a minor one -- in the iPhone 5's extreme amount of hype.

The rumored launch of the Kindle Fire 2 on Thursday by Amazon would have more complicated implications from a Google standpoint -- such a product would likely compete directly with Google's well-regarded Nexus 7 tablet -- but more Android-related headlines that don't reference the recent court defeat are probably a good thing for both companies.