Bugs & Fixes: A risky Finder permissions command


For starters, the command doesn't actually change the ownership of files, just their read and write permissions. This means that, if you were not the owner of the file before using the command, you still won't own it after afterwards--even if you are the owner of the enclosing folder. (In another quirk, if I delete the "staff" item from the Sharing & Permissions section of a file, and then select "Apply to enclosed items," a "wheel" item is added rather than "staff," even though "staff" is present in the enclosing folder.)

In other words, use this feature at your own risk. And be especially careful where you use it. I would never use it for the main or System Library folders, for example, as the changes you make could result in the Mac no longer having the permissions needed to boot from the drive.

As recently acknowledged by Apple, it's also a bad idea to use this command on your home folder (/Users/your user name). Should you do so, you may find that you are no longer able to move, rename, or create files in your Home directory due to "insufficient access privileges."

If this does happen, Apple describes a step-by-step recovery procedure. In brief, enter sudo chmod -RN ~ in Terminal, followed by starting up from an Install DVD and selecting "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Rest Password utility.

More generally, unless you are sure you know what you are doing, I'd recommend staying away from the Ownership & Permissions section of Get Info windows. Even if you do know what you're doing, you're usually better off using the appropriate UNIX commands in Terminal or utilities such as Rainer Brockerhoff's XRay.