Calling For More Measure


In this environment, we continue to run the business as efficiently as possible, sustain our relationships with clients and continue to invest in certain areas so that when the recovery commences, we emerge out of it in a strong position. Given that downturn is something that's occurring on a global scale and across all industries, as a service provider we are also impacted. Growth has slowed.

So, in the short term, we need to run the business efficiently, sustain the momentum we've created, and make sure that the company is not as hard hit as the competition. That's the goal of the company right now.

How much longer do you think the downturn will last?

Experts vary in their estimate, from 18 months to four years. The best case scenario is mid-2010. The reason why I believe there is this wide variation is because we have yet not hit the bottom. There is still concern about large companies, certain currencies and countries. That's why it's hard to say when the recovery will start.

Till September 2008, people assumed that the slowdown wouldn't be that bad. It's only after September 15 that everyone's opinion completely changed and that they started saying that this was the worst slump in the last 70 to 80 years.