CmdrTaco Resigns From Slashdot


Rob started up the technology and science news site as a hobby 14 years ago, whilst studying a computer science student at Hope College with classmate, Jeff Bates (also known as Hermos). Though when it started, the orginial name of the then-blog was actually "Chips and Dips".

Using their coding knowledge, the pair created a place where vistors can share and comment on news stories--each story posted becomes a discussion topic. Rob always remained at the top, even when Slashdot was sold to Andover and then Geeknet Inc., though changed his job title several times, from the serious "Editor-in-Chief" to titles such as "Lies and Misinformation".

Rob says Slashdot has posted over 114,000 stories to date, and he believes there will be plenty more added going forward, even without his presence.

You can still get in touch with CmdrTaco at his usual contact address, or his or accounts. As sad as it is to see him go, GeekTech wishes Rob a happy future, whatever his plans may be.