Computerworld Hong Kong Awards


Software usage will be significantly addressed with the introduction of 'software-as-a-service' mode of subscription. The enterprise applications will be among the first entry points for companies to consider such mode of subscription, especially those within the SMB segment. IDC believes SMBs will contribute 28.4 percent of the US$13.4 billion packaged software market in the region this year.


The emerging managed services market involves a growing plethora of different functions and operations. Voice, basic Internet access, network services such as leased lines and ATM lines were the staple offering from telecoms providers.

Today the portfolio covers network support and maintenance, fault monitoring and management, administration management, IT and communications assessments, network design, build and systems performance analysis, or even business continuity and risk assessments. Add IP telephony, security and the usual IT outsourcing services then the list of choices for enterprises is mammoth, both from the perspective of service options but also the list of providers to select from.

Converged market