Curb PC Annoyances: Windows 7, Office, Monitor Tips


A reader recently wrote me with an exasperating problem: She installed Microsoft Office 2003 on her brand-new Windows 7 system, and every single time she runs it, a pop-up forces her to accept Microsoft's End User License Agreement.

Dang it, Microsoft, she accepts already! She accepts!

Let's not focus on why this is happening. It's a Microsoft product, 'nuff said. Instead, let's fix it. Here's how (this works in Vista, too):

Run Windows Explorer and navigate to the folder containing the Office executables (i.e., the actual programs, not their shortcuts). On my system that's C:, Program Files (x86), Microsoft Office, Office12. (Note: I use Office 2007. If you use Ofice 2003, the folder might be called Office11.) Find the executable for any program that's exhibiting this problem. For this example, we'll use Outlook. Right-click the Outlook icon and choose Run as administrator. The program will load, and the EULA will pop up as usual. Accept it--for what should be the last time. Close the program, wait a moment, and then run it again like you normally do (using the shortcut). Presto--no more EULA! Repeat the process for any other offending Office programs.