Curse you, Steve! And other Xmas things


Anyway, carrying on with my Christmas theme (mostly through drinking eggnog while typing … something that wouldn't be safe if I were a mathematician because, as we all know, it isn't safe to drink and derive), I have a couple of goodies that, if you don't find them in your stocking, you may want to pick up afterwards while deeply resenting the fact that your significant other failed to read your mind.

First up is the Azio Bluetooth Multimedia Keyboard ($79). Oddly Azio doesn't include a Bluetooth dongle, but with Bluetooth built into so many devices these days the omission isn't a deal breaker.

This device has a built-in multi-touch trackpad (a little on the small size, but workable for most purposes) and can be switched between up to six systems it has been paired with. This turns out to be pretty cool if, like me, you are going for the Starship Enterprise look with multiple screens on your desktop; with this keyboard you can hop from system to system.

You'll still need a mouse or trackball when you're working with detailed graphics, but for the majority of productivity applications the Azio keyboard will float your boat … or maybe your sleigh. I'll give the Azio Bluetooth Multimedia Keyboard a rating of 4 out of 5.

You know the iPad you're getting for Christmas? (Yes, I have access to the Naughty or Nice List.) You might hope it comes with a protective from Waterfield Designs.