Did Electronic Arts Try to Manipulate Battlefield 3 Review Scores?


Did he play the beta? Did he enjoy it / get frustrated with it?

What is his present view on the game?

Who is EA trying to fool? This list of questions reads like a paid market research study screening process, and if EA doesn't like your answers -- because, perhaps, the reviewer doesn't like Battlefield and does like Call of Duty -- then they won't send you a copy of the game. I get their desire to earn outstanding reviews, but this seems an awful lot like trying to process and filter a journalist's freedom of speech.

Hoping, no doubt, to quell the apparent controversy, EA Norway's Marketing Manager Oliver Sveen issued a statement asserting that this questionnaire doesn't follow his company's policy, and that EA doesn't actively pre-screen reviewers. The Escapist quotes him as saying, "This should not have been sent out," and "We have made a mistake and we apologize."

Source: via .