Elgan: 'Getting Things Done' to go


Evernote also has a checklist function. You can create boxes to the left of your items, which get a checkmark when you click on them. It's great for projects that have a long list of small to-do items.

You can interact with your Evernote-based projects using Evernote's downloadable desktop application, which syncs automatically with the Web-based version. Evernote also has iPhone and Windows Mobile applications that give you a third conduit for getting at your projects.

Again, Evernote is spectacularly flexible, powerful and feature-rich. I'm just scratching the surface here.

With these powerful, easy-to-use and trustworthy services, you can "get things done" from anywhere. It's the best combination of tools for digital nomad productivity I have found.

Mike Elgan writes about technology and global tech culture. He blogs about the technology needs, desires and successes of mobile warriors in his Computerworld blog, The World Is My Office . Contact Mike at mike.elgan@elgan.com , follow him on Twitter or his blog, The Raw Feed .