Five games you should play on PSP before its lifecycle ends


#3 -- Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

When it comes to spin-offs, this is the best you can hope for; a fully-voiced, richly-CG'd game with a smooth control scheme. Sure, classic Japanese role-playing game fans might cringe at the lack of turn-based or party-oriented gameplay (and the part where the main character isn't Cloud). But the action/adventure format made the battles fun and the cutscenes were sexy -- a definite must-own for the PSP.

#4 -- Tekken: Dark Resurrection

Every console deserves a good fighting game, and Dark Resurrection was definitely it for the PSP. You had a full lineup of classic Tekken characters, 19 stages to choose from, and the combos -- even if they were little wonky -- worked like magic. Even better, the game featured character customization, which is a great time-waster for handheld games.

#5 -- Star Wars Battlefront: Elite Squadron