Five slick search engines you should know about


Users can gain as many as three points per search (one each for searching, voting, commenting), and earn a $25 Visa gift card for each 6,500 points they collect. Users also earn 25% of the points earned by users they refer to the Scour.Scour is developing search widgets for Windows and Mac desktops, and a Yahoo search widget.

Hunch is all about a decision engine, asking the user 10 questions or less to arrive at a solution to a problem or concern. At the core of the search site is a question selection algorithm built by Hunch's small collection of Massachusetts Institute of Technology computer scientists with backgrounds in machine learning.

The design is such that questions are asked just like a human would structure a line of questioning. The questions asked vary based on what has already been asked and how it was answered.

And Hunch is another search engine with a social aspect. The smarts are a collection of common knowledge derived from users who can submit new topics, questions to ask and decision outcomes.